Recent Mold Remediation Posts

Mold in Schools: Risks and Prevention Measures

7/17/2024 (Permalink)

When it comes to ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment for students, preventing mold growth in schools is crucial. Mold can cause structural damage and lead to costly repairs, disrupting the educational process. At SERVPRO®, we understand the importance of maintaining a clean and safe school environment. In this blog post, we will explore the risks associated with mold in schools and provide effective prevention measures.

Understanding Mold Growth in Schools

Mold is a type of fungus that thrives in damp, warm, and humid environments. Schools, with their complex systems of classrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and basements, can be particularly vulnerable to mold growth if not properly maintained. Common places where mold can be found include:

  • Basements and Crawl Spaces: These areas are prone to moisture accumulation, making them ideal breeding grounds for mold.
  • Bathrooms and Locker Rooms: High humidity levels in these areas provide the perfect environment for mold to thrive.
  • Kitchens and Cafeterias: Spills and leaks, combined with the warmth from cooking appliances, can lead to mold growth if not promptly addressed.
  • Classrooms with Poor Ventilation: Rooms without adequate air circulation can trap moisture, promoting mold development.

Risks of Mold in Schools

While mold itself is a natural part of the environment, its presence in schools can lead to significant problems. Mold can damage building materials, leading to the deterioration of walls, ceilings, and floors. This damage can result in expensive repairs and potential closures of affected areas, disrupting the learning process and school activities. Additionally, mold can impact the integrity of school facilities, causing long-term structural issues.

Prevention Measures

Preventing mold growth in schools involves a proactive approach and regular maintenance. Here are some effective prevention measures:

  • Control Humidity Levels: Keep indoor humidity levels below 60%. Use dehumidifiers in areas prone to moisture and ensure proper ventilation in all rooms, especially in bathrooms, kitchens, and locker rooms.
  • Fix Leaks Promptly: Address any leaks in roofs, walls, or plumbing systems immediately. Regularly inspect these areas for signs of water damage and repair any issues without delay.
  • Improve Ventilation: Ensure that all areas of the school have adequate ventilation. Install exhaust fans in high-moisture areas such as bathrooms and kitchens, and ensure that HVAC systems are functioning correctly and efficiently.
  • Regular Inspections and Maintenance: Conduct routine inspections of the school premises to identify and address any signs of mold or moisture problems. Regular maintenance of roofs, plumbing, and HVAC systems is essential to prevent mold growth.
  • Clean and Dry Areas Promptly: In the event of spills or water intrusions, clean and dry affected areas immediately. Mold can begin to grow within 24-48 hours, so prompt action is critical.
  • Use Mold-Resistant Products: When renovating or constructing new areas, consider using mold-resistant materials such as drywall and paint to reduce the risk of mold growth.

Preventing mold in schools is essential for maintaining a safe and functional learning environment. By implementing these prevention measures and regularly monitoring the school premises, administrators can significantly reduce the risk of mold growth and the associated damage. At SERVPRO, we are committed to helping schools maintain clean and mold-free environments. If you suspect mold in your school, contact us for professional assessment and remediation services. Our team of experts is ready to restore your school to a safe and welcoming space for students and staff.

Crawlspace Mold? Call SERVPRO for Remediation!

7/12/2023 (Permalink)


Restoring Mold Damage in South Orlando Using Professional Procedures

Mold damage is likely to develop in the crawl space when the area becomes wet. When we perform an inspection in a crawl space, we check whether water is leaking in the area and fix the problem when possible. High humidity is another concern in such areas, so we have to identify the causes of high water vapor and address them. It is pointless to disinfect the molds in your Orlando home without addressing its primary cause.  

If your South Orlando home's crawl space has grading and drainage issues, mold damage will likely develop when the water collects under the house. Our SERVPRO technicians can decide to use sump pumps to extract the water. If moisture is evaporating into the crawl space from the surrounding walls and the ground, isolation may be necessary. We achieve that by using a space liner to enclose the whole area. This encapsulation acts as a vapor barrier and works very well when paired with a permanent dehumidifier in the crawl space. 

Differences in temperature between the surrounding areas and the crawl space allow the water vapor to condense. When correcting such issues, our SERVPRO technicians may recommend the installation of a dehumidifier. The device assists in monitoring and controlling the humidity in the area to discourage conditions favoring mold growth. 

Our SERVPRO technicians can pull out all the infested insulation and dispose of it. Since it is possible to restore fiberglass insulation, we carefully inspect the paper on the insulation to confirm it does not have fungal growth signs. It's possible to remove surface mold from below supports joists and beams and other hard surfaces through scraping. Though it is possible to remove surface mold from porous items such as drywall as long as the fungi have not penetrated too deeply with anchoring hyphae, we may have to discard such things once infested. Additionally, we can exterminate the spores by dispensing antimicrobial products into surfaces using thermal foggers. 

SERVPRO of South Orlando uses industry-proven techniques to protect your property from further damage after facing any size disaster. You can access our 24-hour emergency services at any time of the day by calling (407) 985-3200.

Never Get Stressed When Your South Orlando Property Experiences Mold Damage

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Can Inspect and Plan a Mold Remediation Solution for Your South Orlando Home

Once we determine your building is safe to enter during mold damage, remediation, moisture, and visual mold assessment follow. When we assess the site, we lookout for mold growth signs, water damage, standing water, and talk to the property owner. We check behind the wallpaper, insulation, carpet backing, and wallboard. Evaluation of attics and crawl spaces in your South Orlando property is essential during the inspection. 

If your South Orlando home's walls or surfaces have stains or some discoloration, there are chances that mold damage is present. Visible fuzzy growths on surfaces and earthy odors can also support that possibility. Surfaces whose moisture content is around 20% and over are vulnerable to mold growth and possible decomposition when the area is made of wood or cellulose composite. We use moisture meters when determining the material's moisture content.  

By looking at the level of contamination, our SERVPRO technicians are in a position to choose suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The four primary levels of mold contamination are level 1 (covering 10 square feet or less), level 2 (over 10 - 30 square feet), level 3 (over 30 - 100 square feet), and level 4 (exceed 100 square feet). Some of the PPE that we use include work boots, goggles, disposable overalls, earplugs, and N95–Disposable Respirators. When working in extensively contaminated areas, OSHA recommends full-face or half-face respirators with P, N, or R100 cartridges. 

It is not possible to salvage porous items with visible mold in some cases, which means they should be discarded. Items that fall under that category are some drywall surfaces, textiles, upholstery, carpet padding, clothing, books, papers, and rugs. We place materials for disposal in plastic trash bags to reduce the potential for mold exposure and cross-contamination.  

SERVPRO of South Orlando has been in the cleaning and restoration industry for a long time and uses advanced equipment and technology to do the work. Call us at (407) 985-3200 to discover the several options we use to restore properties after a mishap or disaster.

What the Colors of the Visible Mold in Your South Orlando Home Aren't Telling You About the Extent of the Infestation

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation in South Orlando's Residences Restores Control to Homeowners

Anyone of the hundreds of strains of microbes can end up causing homeowners in South Orlando problems. While several varieties always exist somewhere in your home, normal humidity levels keep microbes' growth at a standstill. 

Until microbes' growth begins to grow too rapidly, residents do not need to worry about mold remediation and cleanup in South Orlando. A small incident that seems inconsequential, such as a leaky toilet base or a small overflow at the kitchen sink, can provide enough water to microbes in the area. Once exposed to moisture, they quickly become active and soon spread out across the surface. It does not take long before they form spores in preparation for colonizing other areas of your home. 

SERVPRO technicians always arrive with the tools needed to get your home's microbial situation under control. We come prepared, ensuring that your home's situation gets assessed quickly and that the work progresses swiftly, from start to finish. Understanding the different aspects of mold, from how it can damage your home to the internationally accepted methods of eliminating that damage and the overgrowth that caused it, is crucial to successfully remediating your home. 

Restoring control of your home to you, "Like it never even happened," requires that we practice extensively and engage in different methods. No two homes are identical in either structure or circumstance, so knowing different methods for any particular situation gives us the upper hand over mold and mildew. We know that a crucial aspect of successful mold remediation is maintaining communication with our customers and ensuring that the homeowner understands effective measures that prevent microbes from reappearing. 

We not only provide information about what we are doing and why when we work inside your home, but we also give you the information needed so you can spot potential situations that might cause mold damage to redevelop later. From the start, when we eliminate the source of moisture feeding the mold, to the end, when we apply antimicrobial agents to help eliminate any traces of mold and keep it from regrowing, we are here to make your home healthy again.  

Call SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200, so we can provide you with expert guidance and skilled mold remediation services. Please do not hesitate to call whenever you discover mold in your home.


Why Choose Professional Mold Damage Remediation in South Orlando

6/8/2021 (Permalink)

South Orlando Homeowners Realize that SERVPRO Provides the Solutions for Mold Cleanup and Removal

It can be a badge of honor for some Belle Isle homeowners to try to manage as many home improvement and maintenance projects as possible on their own. Although many tasks complete successfully with some research and a little elbow grease, remediating mold damage is a job best left to experts. Our technicians have the knowledge, products, and equipment necessary for proper mold abatement. 

A thorough understanding of the life cycle of fungi and household mold damage characteristics requires hands-on training few South Orlando homeowners possess. It can be tempting to believe a cursory treatment with a diluted bleach solution, and a cover-up with some mildew-resistant paint resolves the problem. We make sure our crew members master advanced classes in mold remediation and thoroughly consider all aspects of potential mold resurgence if the moisture that fuels microbial growth is not addressed. 

The success of SERVPRO’s professional mold remediation relies upon information learned in Applied Microbial Remediation Technician training from the IICRC and protocols developed by the EPA. Mold can never be eliminated, and any company that promises such a result is not being transparent with clients. Mold spores are found everywhere, including indoor and outdoor settings, impractical to eradicate in a household. Without a regular source of moisture, however, mold spores cause little to no damage. Consequently, finding and recommending a permanent fix to water incursion must be part of any remediation. 

Once the spores absorb water, including scenarios where indoor humidity exceeds 60 percent, the fungi reproduce and multiply into colonies. Only oxygen and moisture are needed, meaning mold growth can remain hidden to the eye, easily spreading between walls and under eaves and flooring. A musty smell can be the only sign and the edge of a colony seen in a damp corner of an attic or under a sink, maybe just a small sample of a much more massive unseen infestation. SERVPRO employees holding the Applied Microbial Remediation Technician certification realize the futility of treating just the apparent mold damage. We investigate the situation fully, discovering the extent of the mold damage, and devising a plan to contain and remove it. 

When we take on your mold remediation challenge, we make sure you and your family remain protected during the removal of colonies through effective containment strategies. Physical barriers and negative pressure air scrubbers keep mold debris away from unaffected spaces as we work. HEPA filters remove spores and mold fragments from your indoor air, and EPA registered antimicrobials to inhibit the recurrence of mold growth.  

SERVPRO of South Orlando encourages you to reach out to us for high-quality mold remediation services. Call us at (407) 985-3200 to set up a mold damage evaluation and abatement plan.

Is There a Good Mold That Can Grow in Your South Orlando Home?

6/8/2021 (Permalink)

Team SERVPRO Understands Both How to Find Mold and How to Help Prevent a Recurring Mold Infestation

There is much misinformation out there about mold and fungal growth. This confusion primarily stems from what is considered “good mold” and what can potentially cause health effects for you and other occupants of your South Orlando home. While mold has allowed for one of the most substantial breakthroughs in medical treatment (Penicillin) dating back to its discovery in a petri dish in 1928, there is no variety of mold growing in your home that can have a positive effect. 

This fact makes it all the more vital that you take mold damages in your South Orlando residence very seriously. As mentioned above, exposure to mold growth can cause health effects. Not only this, but thriving mold colonies can degrade organic materials like the framework acting as the primary supports and load-bearing fixtures of your house. 

Our SERVPRO professionals ensure that each of our qualified applied microbial remediation technicians gets fitted with the best protective equipment before entering a home with thriving mold colonies. This approach is to prevent the spread of this colony elsewhere and ensure the safety of our technicians throughout the remediation process. 

Often homeowners are not aware of just how widespread mold colonies can become if they do not get handled as quickly as possible. These active spores continue to sit and thrive in moist, warm environments. Soon the spread of these colonies is challenging even for professional remediation technicians like our SERVPRO team. 

Taking care of the mold in your home is as much about mitigation as it is about remediation or restoration. The sooner you can react to the discovery of mold damages in your home, the faster our technicians can get to work on removing these colonies and restoring the damage they have caused.  

Finding mold growing in your home is nothing that any homeowner wants to see, but it is an unfortunate reality for many in the area on account of the heat and humidity. If you find or believe you might have a colony growing in your home, do not hesitate to call our SERVPRO of South Orlando remediation technicians. You can reach us 24/7 at (407) 985-3200.